Puppy weighing 1 kg, which was waiting for euthanasia, because his paws did not move
After reading this post, everything inside me turned upside down. It was written in the post that the puppy would soon be euthanized, since the doctors’ prognosis was bad and there was no one who would want to
It seemed to the man that the dog had no eyes. But he still carried her home in his arms
The dog was taken out of town, brought into the forest and abandoned there. Fortunately, people did not tie her up, and she was able to get out to the road. Judging by the condition of the dog,
How a stray dog ​​saved a child’s life
A dog living on the street saved the child. Everything happened on Sakhalin. The girl was returning home after school, but was a little late, deciding to play. Suddenly, a snowstorm hit the city and a ten-year-old child
Saw a group of teenagers taking pictures with a blind cat in the pouring rain
The girl who works as the administrator of our shelter was walking around the city. It was late, it was raining. Not far from the store, in the light of a lantern, the girl saw several teenagers who
A rotten booth, a meter chain and a heavy collar, from which the head barely rises
That day, Anna and Elena took the cat, which was in their care, to a new home. The girls thought that they would talk to potential owners and leave them a cat and could not imagine that they
The scared labrador hid in the corner all day. his family left him
His former owners brought the Labrador to the shelter. The family got tired of their pet, so they got rid of it without regret. The dog endured betrayal by the owners very hard, he was afraid of everything
“Only to make it.” thought the girl who saw the kitten on the lane between the streams of cars
I noticed the kitten quite by chance, with side vision, paying attention to an unusual object on the dividing strip of the road. It took my brain a few seconds to understand that this is not garbage thrown
The dog was thrown in the forest near the road in winter. She was lying under a tree and didn’t go anywhere
The owners decided that they no longer needed the pet, so they brought it to the forest far from the city and abandoned it. She stayed lying under a tree by the road, afraid to move. It was
When they took another dog from the shelter, he stood by the enclosure and cried because he was hurt that they were not giving him
In the morning, people who wanted to find a pet here came to catch it. Dozens of dogs immediately ran up to the fence of the enclosure, sticking out their noses and trying to draw attention to themselves
A shabby booth, a meter chain and a heavy collar, from which the head can barely be raised
That day, Anna and Elena took the cat, who was in their care, to a new home. The girls thought that they would communicate with the potential owners and leave the cat to them, and they could never