Au milieu de la route, un chien s’est figé et personne ne s’est soucié d’elle
C’était l’hiver, il neigeait et la température était bien en dessous de zéro. Un
La fille a persuadé ses parents d’aller chercher un chaton dans le refuge le plus éloigné de la ville: pourquoi y aller
Bitte Bergenson n’avait que 8 ans, mais la fille était exceptionnellement têtue et savait
14 plastic containers were thrown to the shelter: each of them contained a cat
On a winter morning, the staff of the shelter, as always, arrived early for
In the morning, just in case, a man looked under his car and found a cat frozen in the ice.
Serey from Zlatoust, in this city there are severe frosts in winter, to which
Newborn puppy stuck in the grass: the only strength left is to desperately call for help
The little puppy crawled away from his mother and turned out to be completely
The street cat did not let anyone near her, until the moment when trouble happened with her kitten
Not far from even Jamie lived a stray cat. The guy was very fond
The girl did not want to see her boyfriend’s cat, but he refused to give it to the shelter: the girl did not stop
Acquaintance of a girl and a guy quickly grew into a serious relationship. There
The little dog lay on the ground and didn’t even get up anymore. Help was not expected from anyone
A small dog was lying in the middle of the road in a scarlet
A homeless cat gave birth to kittens in the barn. Everything is nothing if you do not look closely at their eyes
Four kittens were born in a warm barn, where their mother was taken in
Puppy weighing 1 kg, which was waiting for euthanasia, because his paws did not move
After reading this post, everything inside me turned upside down. It was written in