“We don’t need him, leave it to yourself”: the owners abandoned the cat, which became very fat
For many years the cat lived in comfort and care. He had a home and owners who loved and spoiled him. Indulging all the desires of the cat led to the fact that he was rapidly gaining weight.
The driver found a cat with painted paws: a terrible fate awaited him
The hero of this story is the cat Cosmo. The cat got his nickname in a shelter, which he got from the street of one of the US cities. Life on the street was not easy for Cosmo
The girl took three unusual cats from the shelter at once, which no one wanted to take
Eight years ago, three kittens were found in a warehouse in Bubai. The kids spent a long time alone and were very sick. The veterinarians put in a lot of effort to save the lives of the kittens
The son collected money for a Maine Coon kitten for 2 years. Show you who grew up from a kitten
First, I’ll tell you why my son has been collecting money for a pet for two whole years. To be honest, I was scared to buy a Maine Coon kitten myself. I never had pets as a child,
What do I add when planting cucumbers and then harvest all summer without top dressing
If you want your cucumbers to grow and develop well, then they need a complex fertilizer, which consists of wood ash, compost, superphosphate, humus and potassium sulfate. Each of the components has a beneficial effect on cucumbers: it