Dog Led Entire Puppy Brood To A Stranger’s House.

On an ordinary morning, a completely ordinary person was going to work. The morning began as he used to, it was possible to dress and go out even with his eyes closed.
But this is until our hero went out into the yard.

There, everything was not the same as always: the man showed up with a guest, but what a guest!

Red-haired cute dog with strong cute kids. They all went to mommy, but at the same time, daddy’s genes also showed up.
The genes of a dog that has long lived with a man in an aviary.

The owner stood in front of his pet and scratched his head in puzzlement: like a dog living in an aviary, he managed to become a dad, because only the two of them go out for walks.

I had to deal with the fate of fluffies, and with my own dog. How did he become a daddy, and was he?

How did it all happen
The snow-white handsome man lived in this yard for more than a year. He always walked only under supervision. How could the beautiful redbone find an opportunity to get to know him better? The owner tried to remember at least something, but his memory failed him. But the surprise grew.

The cute puppies who trotted after their mother on strong thick paws were also surprised, and this dog herself, she clearly knew where to go.
The colors of the puppies went to their mother: red-haired, some grey. But one baby succeeded completely in dad, snow-white, with soft fur, he was the spitting image of Shadori. So it was difficult to get away from fatherhood. The owner was perplexed: when did his dog manage to establish a personal life, make friends with a redhead and also have children?
And the dog also came to his house!

She sat down not far from the enclosure, sniffed and counted the puppies. She behaved calmly and confidently, as if she had not been in this courtyard for the first time.

And his dog, the eternal modest, sniffed the baby right through the aviary and tried to play with them, as if he knew everyone.

The owner was so dumbfounded that he did not spare money for DNA analysis. The veterinarian helped him carry out the procedure, he also wondered how Shad could start a family while sitting in an aviary. Well, it couldn’t be!
And so the doctor took one of the babies in his arms, received the necessary material, and then repeated the same procedure with the alleged dad. That’s all, it remains only to compare the results.

Many neighbors were waiting for the test results together with the owner Shadori. They decided to figure out where the dog came from, and how you can help her.

Following where she took the puppies, people came to her nest under the old bridge.
The dog family lived in a sad place. And it was terrible to think how cold it would be there when winter came. Well, people decided to adopt puppies. And for the time of the device, the owner of Shadori decided to settle the friendly dogs together, in a warm, cozy house.

Now none of the puppies will die while people are looking for a new family for him.

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