Warmer Together: Cat and Puppy Saved Each Other From the Cold

This sweetest couple was seen by a passerby. The picture was so touching that the guy could not resist, took a photo and began to look for a way to help his unwitting models. The thing is that a cat and a puppy sat side by side, huddled in the very corner of the fence on the football field. They pressed against each other with warm sides, warming themselves and trying to protect themselves from the wind.

The guy was so touched by this concern for each other that he tried to draw attention to the kids through social networks. So the volunteers, mother and daughter, found out about the sweet couple. The women decided to take care of their four-legged friends.
Angela recalls: The problem could not be left to chance. It is not customary to offend animals in this area, besides there is a serious circumstance: coyotes. They run out of the forest into the town, pets often suffer from them. Therefore, the cat and the puppy had to be found as soon as possible.

Friends were found pretty quickly, but they didn’t understand that they had come to save them. As soon as the women tried to take them home, the dog came to the defense, snarling at people, just so that her friend would not be offended. And he, unlike ordinary cats, did not give a strekach, but carefully watched his tailed partner.
Angela had to call animal protection professionals so that the animals could be caught without harm to them. The cat and dog were caught carefully and carefully, without injuring or offending. And immediately delivered to the vet.

Fortunately, everything was fine with friends, except for the puppy’s severe stress. People realized that a young dog should not be separated from a friend, so they were arranged together in one aviary.
They were also attached in pairs, and the task was not an easy one. The dog and the cat became so friendly that they began to yearn, it was worth taking one of them away for inspection or taking the dog for a walk.

Despite the aggression during the capture, the dog’s character turned out to be wonderful, the dog was distinguished by some kind of shyness, a real sissy. Kitty was more self-confident, perhaps this helped them to become friends. Their closeness was incredible, they even slept only in an embrace. Maybe they grew up together? Volunteers can only guess.

They are already looking for a future family, and immediately after sterilization, friends will be ready to move.

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