La vie dans la rue, un accident malheureux, un traitement dans une clinique et un déménagement à Moscou – tout cela est tombé sur le sort de la petite Malte dans les premiers mois de sa vie …
C’était l’hiver, il neigeait et la température était bien en dessous de zéro. Un jeune couple se rendait en voiture dans une ville voisine lorsqu’ils ont soudainement aperçu un chien sur l’autoroute. L’animal gisait immobile au milieu de
On a winter morning, the staff of the shelter, as always, arrived early for work. At the very door of the building, a very unusual surprise awaited them: near the shelter, plastic containers stood on top of each
The little puppy crawled away from his mother and turned out to be completely alone and lost, so he cried loudly in the grass. When Evgenia found him, the puppy was entangled in the grass, she held him
Not far from even Jamie lived a stray cat. The guy was very fond of animals, he noticed this cat as soon as she appeared at his house and tried to make friends with her. The cat was
Acquaintance of a girl and a guy quickly grew into a serious relationship. There was strong sympathy between the young people and there were practically no problems until the moment when they decided to live together. The reason
Four kittens were born in a warm barn, where their mother was taken in by a caring woman. The kittens were adorable. They clearly had the genes of a lop-eared cat. Over time, the kittens developed health problems
After reading this post, everything inside me turned upside down. It was written in the post that the puppy would soon be euthanized, since the doctors’ prognosis was bad and there was no one who would want to
The dog was taken out of town, brought into the forest and abandoned there. Fortunately, people did not tie her up, and she was able to get out to the road. Judging by the condition of the dog,
A dog living on the street saved the child. Everything happened on Sakhalin. The girl was returning home after school, but was a little late, deciding to play. Suddenly, a snowstorm hit the city and a ten-year-old child