People choose pets according to their taste. Someone wants a red cat, someone wants a smaller dog, many are looking for a certain character. But sometimes you come across exceptional people who take into account not only their
Each kid is a little fidget and constantly invents various pranks to the delight of his parents. Dads and moms don’t even think of what their little children think of. The innocent look and the angelic face of
This sweetest couple was seen by a passerby. The picture was so touching that the guy could not resist, took a photo and began to look for a way to help his unwitting models. The thing is that
The animal protection organization received a call with an urgent message. The puppies got into trouble, the old house collapsed. There was a brood of dogs left in the basement. The volunteers had to work hard: it was
I have a neighbor who looks to be in his thirties. Health rushing for a kilometer – looks like a kid. In general, he looks a lot like Timati, dressed foppishly. I bought a good property, a large
Alice and Clark Cole live in a small British town. The spouses have a favorite pet – a Siberian cat with a good pedigree. The pet was called Tula, after the name of the city in Russia. The
If you are late with fertilizers, the culture will not have the strength to form berries. Strawberries are considered a hardy and pliable plant, but this does not mean at all that they do not need to be
Rex is a large but very friendly dog. He always rejoiced at the arrival of guests in their house, because he knew that on this day he would receive more sweets than usual. He also loved children and
A woman from Chicago had a cat named Niko for many years. The cat was 16 years old, he was like a family member for his mistress, so he got used to the care and affection from the
In her house in Ulyanovsk, Galina found three little kittens. The animals were put in a box and left at the entrance of the woman’s house. Galina decided to help the animals and find owners for them. New